Thursday, March 20, 2008

Wardrobe Remix probably the coolest Flickr set, (besides our own, of course) ever! It is an Internet miracle. If you've ever wanted to have your photo featured on a street style blog, you may as well just DIY and put it up on Wardrobe Remix. It's definitely inspirational for anyone in a bit of a relationship rut with their closet. It is probably bad that I personally have that rut once every two weeks or so. I digress, the next step was to throw down a search for some fashionable hat wearers in the group...I thought I would share some standouts:

That one was for all the folks who think the bombers look "silly". She looks awesome!

That lawn chair is giving the hat a run for its money in terms of what makes the photo.

Bridging the gap between skater and prep...

LOVE the framed picture of the girl in the hat behind a girl with a hat. I also covet her bike. Maybe I will actually buy a bike for this Summer...

She totally needs a bit of foam in that hat but I will let it slide, her peep-toes are very cute.

And lastly, just in case you were wondering what the modernization of the Boater in fashion today would look like (just me? Oh, alright)...

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